What Does Textile Waste Consist of?

The increasing number of production facilities as a result of ongoing industrialization around the world causes problems such as the decrease in natural resources and environmental pollution to become a priority agenda at the international level. In this context, in countries that handle the issue sensitively, recycling practices aiming at the recovery of used products become more important day by day. Textile recycling is also included in these innovative and environmentally friendly efforts. Today, textile is the second most polluting business sector after the oil industry. As such, textile products consumed on a mass scale around the world create tons of waste every day. Textile waste recycling consists of many processes. These processes are respectively; It consists of collecting waste, separating it, processing it, and ultimately transforming it into reusable products with the raw materials obtained. 

What Does Textile Waste Consist of?

Textile waste that can be recycled and generated as a result of consumer habits and industrial production processes is grouped into three main groups. The first of these is the production waste from artificial yarn factories. Scrap fiber and piece waste generated during textile and apparel manufacturing are also among the recyclable materials. It is also possible to recycle used clothing and home textile products that have reached the end of their life for consumers.

Recycled materials, which do not cause any quality loss in remanufactured textile materials, play a major role in reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment. Within the framework of the great importance of reusing these products, intensive R&D studies are carried out to recycle nearly one hundred percent of textile waste. However, consciously or unconsciously chosen wrong practices can disrupt textile recycling.
