Our Products

Solid Fiber:

Description: Solid fiber is a type of fiber that has a completely filled structure, unlike hollow fibers.

HCS (Hollow Conjugated Siliconized):

Description: This fiber type is hollow and silicone coated. Thanks to its hollow structure, it has light and insulating properties. Silicone coating provides softness and flexibility.

FR (Flame Retardant):

Description: This material, which has flame retardant properties, is used in applications requiring fire safety. It contains chemicals that make burning difficult or slow.

Hydrophilic (Water absorbent):

Description: This material, which has water absorption capacity, attracts and traps water quickly. It is generally used in textile products that require moisture management and perspiration control.

Hydrophobic (Water repellent):

Description: This water-repellent material does not retain water on its surface and quickly removes it. It is preferred in products that require waterproofing and fast drying.

HS (Hollow Siliconized):

Description: Hollow and silicone-coated fibers provide high insulation properties and softness. It is generally used in quilts, pillows and insulation materials.

HSF (Hollow Faint Finish):

Description: They are hollow, silicone-coated fibers that have undergone an extra finishing process. This finishing process increases the durability and performance of the fiber.


Description: Antibacterial fiber is a type of fiber that has properties that prevent the growth and proliferation of bacteria. These fibers are used especially in applications where hygiene is important and can be processed by various methods.
